I interviewed Daniel Horowitz. He is an art director and illustrator. He is an Alum of Art Center School of Design and an amazing artist. I highly encourage you all to check out his website!

What motivates you to make your art work?
- to problem solve
- to improve self

What are you trying to communicate through your art work?
- express self
- express solutions to graphic/ compositional problems
- show ability to communicate
-"Why didn't I think of that? Thats such a great idea!"
- as an illustrator, my function is a translator. (create visual metaphors to make it engaging.)

About how long do you spend on each piece?
- usually 80% concept and 20% executing

How much research do you do before starting a non personal project?
- tons/ I do as much research as time allows me

Where does your inspiration come from?
- I allow my brain to act as a sieve and filter ideas out.
- connect the dots

What ways did you market yourself/ make a name for yourself?
- knocking on doors available to me
- I had to overcome the fear of rejection that every artist feels after coming out of school.
- email client list updates and samples
- adbase.com (list of all art directors at companies)

What does your design studio do?
- serves as a storefront
- right now it is used purely as a workspace
- possible future class space/ figure drawing studio

Many people have certain needs for workspace... do you have any?
- listen to NPR
- during focus, music

About your drawing of the day project... what motivated you to start?
-2 main reasons:
1. to force self by imposing a regiment to get back into hand done work
2. familiarize / strengthen technical ability.
- after completing the 365 days, will try to sell pieces
- became a slave to the deadline- wanted to make a fake deadline so more pieces could be made for personal benefit and not for non personal work.
- referenced Bob Ross (painter on TV known for the tutorials)

here are some of my faves.

To learn more... Drop by his website!


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